February 1, 2021

Two Dogs vs One

I often get asked how hard it is to have 2 dogs vs just one.  I had Mr. Sniggles first so I had 2 years to train him and spend time with him.  I worked a decent amount and he suffered from separation anxiety so I enrolled him in a Doggy Day Care-Ritzy Canine.  It was great for him he loved but and when he turned 2 I waned to get him a bestie.   Then arrived Frijolee because Mr. Sniggles was trained her learning curve was really fast.  She basically shadowed him and copied everything he did the good and the bad.  So Mr. Sniggles actually trained her for me.  It didn’t add any work as I was already feeding, walking and caring for Mr. Sniggles.  Frijolee fit into our lives pretty seamlessly and became Mr. Sniggles partner in crime.

Here are a few things to consider if you are thinking about adding another pet to your home:

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    Make sure that you create individual spaces for each pet this is very important for them to not get territorial.
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    Know that this will impact your budget.  You will need to plan for double insurance, doctor visits, food, etc
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    Consider spacing the pets apartment at least 4-5 years this is important as when dogs become seniors they can develop health issues and it can be hard to care for 2 seniors and could get expensive.
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    Having your pets spaced apart gives each one time to have all of your attention.  Mr. Sniggles and I were together for 2 years. After he passed Frijolee and I had time to be alone together.  Each were able to have their own time be selfish and spoiled.
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    Traveling can be tricky with 2 dogs as airlines will usually only allow one in the cabin.  No one wants to have to choose between their beloveds. It is definitely easier with just one. I’ve done both.

Obviously if you have another person who can help be a caretaker that certainly helps when you have two dogs but you can also do it solo.

Whatever you decide I hope you are enjoying your little ball(s) of fur.  They sure keep life interesting. 

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